Friday, January 16, 2009


"'s Kooks & Kool-Aid--or Your Kin..."
Cultbusting / Rescuing / Debriefing / Exit Counseling
"Who ya gonna call for God's sake...?"

Yeara ago, I started CULTBUSTERS!

I'd done a lot of Cult Exit Counseling (Children of God, The Way, The Walk, Moonies, Scientology, Mormons, the Mind Sciences & Modern Gnosticism, JW, 7th Day, Eastern Mysticism, Authoritarian Mind-Control, Charis-Magic Faith, EST, Faux Faith Healing, Eighth Street Commune, A Course In Miracles, Latter Rain, NLP, Transpersonal Psychology, Emersonian Transcendentalism, E. W. Kenyonism, Peoples Temple, T.U.L.I.P.ism, Papalism, Mariolatry), Dominion Theology, Superstitious Animism, Earth Mother Worship, PMA, Charismatic Clairvoyance, Late-Sixties-Early-Seventies-Radicals-Masquerading-as-Evangelicals, and Aberrations of Deliverance and Demonology (illustrated by the faux guidance of the book, Pigs In the Parlor by Frank & Ida May Hammond),

I'd read books by the following: Margaret Singer, Ph.D., e.g.: Cults In Our Midst, Dr. Jacques Ellul, e.g.: On Propaganda, Walter Martin, Ph.D., e.g.: Chaos of Cults, Ronald Enroth, Ph.D., e.g.: Churches That Abuse and Youth, Brainwashing, and the Extremist Cults, Robert J. Lifton, Ph.D. Mind Control, Brainwashing, and Totalism, Dr. Farah, e.g.: From the Pinnacle of the Temple, and other books, e.g.: How to Cult-Proof Your Kids, Toxic Faith, and The Subtle Power of Spiritual abuse--and had seen The Amazing Randy (albeit an agnostic magician himself) expose the faux healer, Peter Popoff, on The Tonight Show.

These days CULTBUSTERS! exit-counseling would include The Emergent "Millennials" Church Postmodern Aberrations, The Secret, Recycled Latter Rainism, Revivalist Charis-Mystical Subjectivism, Kansas City Prophets, Mega-Church Millenial Paradigm-Shiftrers, Pop Culture Groupies, Radical Fundamentalists, the Prophetess Movement, Intimate-Connection Spiritual Dancing, Eco-Green Radicals, Marxist-Maoist Lib Theology, Prosperity Gospelers, Gangbangers, and contemporary Thought Reform Authoritarians.

In the intial years there was no 'Deprogramming'' a la Ted Patrick...all of these folks were 'ego dystonic' in that they each signed off with notarization that they had each desired in compis mentis that they wanted out--desired a complete break from and mental healing from--their respective cult. They would have ten Marathon Days (10:30am--3:30pm) of voluntary Christian-based-but-professional psychotherapy, counseling, and life coaching. I saw very few 'reversions' and little recidivism after the ten Marathon Days, along with a follow-up treatment program.

After years of this (with no financial remuneration on my part), I thought about starting a fee-scheduled (or economically-sponsored) 'rescue, exodus, and spiritual wellness intervention program' named CULTBUSTERS!

A busy traditional counseling practice caused me to set this plan aside.

Now...I'm considering a jump start of CULTBUSTERS!

I still need to get it organized and get all the legal clearances, etc....a little like bounty hunters--or even car repo companies have to do...yet, our approach would be one of dignity, therapeutic wisdom, and professional respect for the individual--and for human rights.

There would be, of course, a Fee Schedule and up-front Retainer Fee, special insurance, and appropriate qualifiers and disclaimers--operated under a non-profit organization.

What think ye...? Would you consider joining me in this important work...? There is a great need for Life Coaches--trained to do Cult-Exodus Intervention.

(CULTBUSTERS!...It's a dirty job...but somebody's gotta do it...!)

"We Bust Cults Best...!"
Spring Your Kin...Before They Drink the Kool-Aid!
"Who ya gonna call for God's sake..?"
Copyright 2009 by Philip C. Brewer All Rights Reserved

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