Thursday, January 22, 2009


The Office of President

Once again, as a new president is elected, I am studying the Life of the Psalmist David in the Old Testament scriptures--and reviewing David's relationship with Saul (cf. I, II Samuel).

Even though David was well aware of the pathology in Saul's personality--Saul's danger-to-others and danger-to-self, and Saul's rebellion against God--David still honored the Office that King Saul held.

In the books of I, II Samuel we find that rebellion against God is tantamount to the sin of witchcraft. One may find out that his commander-in-chief is toxic, engages in power abuse, and perhaps must be impeached or censured--but to destroy the Office of executive authority would, of course, be anarchy.

Consider the bloodbaths of the French, Marxist, Maoist revolutions ("The revolution devours its own children.") and you see the occult spiritual (Rwandan or Red Guard type) rebellion of anarchy, tearing down of government, and toxicrebellion.

As a counselor and life coach in my community for many years, I've had to listen to many a church member complain about his or her pastor. I've always directed them to a study of the life of David, his relationship with Saul, and, and even though he had to flee from Saul--David's respect for the Office of King.

From a clinical-assessment-of-failing-leadership viewpoint, it is interesting to me to study the life of King Saul as his mental and spiritual health deteriorates. As his carried-and-buried anger and narcissistic entitlement build--his paranoid auspiciousness, jealousy, and delusional grandiosity metastasize like a cancer. He descends further into Occult Mysticism,as he consults the Witch of Endor--seeking ungodly counsel--(consider a similar melt-down with Hitler)--sinking deeper and deeper into depression--until he becomes a homicidal maniac and then self-destructive. Working in a 5150 acute psychiatric unit I saw this life-pattern embodied in distressed people--a news anchor, a clinical psychologist, a professional football player, the head of a hospital, a minister, a teacher, an administrator, a politician.

From my youth in the JFK days to the present I've always prayed for the Office of the U.S. Presidency--whether or not I liked the policies, personality, philosophy, or practices of a particular leader. For example, even though I thought the Seventies were horrible years, and I was literally allergic to everything about Jimmy Carter, I still prayed for the Office of the Presidency. LBJ, I also thought was atrocious, and thought that JFK, Nixon, and Clinton each dishonored the Office of the Presidency they held. Personally and with presidential gravitas, I believe Reagan honored the Office of the American Presidency, but I also really liked his personality, philosophy, and policies. Ford, and the Bushes, I believe, honored the Office of the Presidency--even though they made many mistakes and can be criticized for shortcomings regarding the effectiveness of their leadership, decisions, and policies.

I believe that God will take down any leader who dishonors his Office ("Vengeance is mine says the Lord.").

To point out shortcomings of a U.S. president if his tenure in office reveals them, does not dishonor the Office of the Presidency--it is because we do honor and respect the Office that we have the human right to address characterological flaws and failings of politicians and leaders--or to be afraid of their thinking if we find that they hold dangerously despotic, social-engineering, Smother-Mother-Government, or terrorist-appeasing world views--or want to trash our country's borders, language, and culture.

(excerpt: unpublished work-in-progress):

Human Rights vs. Rebellion
Copyright 2009 by Philip C. Brewer
All Rights Reserved

Friday, January 16, 2009


"'s Kooks & Kool-Aid--or Your Kin..."
Cultbusting / Rescuing / Debriefing / Exit Counseling
"Who ya gonna call for God's sake...?"

Yeara ago, I started CULTBUSTERS!

I'd done a lot of Cult Exit Counseling (Children of God, The Way, The Walk, Moonies, Scientology, Mormons, the Mind Sciences & Modern Gnosticism, JW, 7th Day, Eastern Mysticism, Authoritarian Mind-Control, Charis-Magic Faith, EST, Faux Faith Healing, Eighth Street Commune, A Course In Miracles, Latter Rain, NLP, Transpersonal Psychology, Emersonian Transcendentalism, E. W. Kenyonism, Peoples Temple, T.U.L.I.P.ism, Papalism, Mariolatry), Dominion Theology, Superstitious Animism, Earth Mother Worship, PMA, Charismatic Clairvoyance, Late-Sixties-Early-Seventies-Radicals-Masquerading-as-Evangelicals, and Aberrations of Deliverance and Demonology (illustrated by the faux guidance of the book, Pigs In the Parlor by Frank & Ida May Hammond),

I'd read books by the following: Margaret Singer, Ph.D., e.g.: Cults In Our Midst, Dr. Jacques Ellul, e.g.: On Propaganda, Walter Martin, Ph.D., e.g.: Chaos of Cults, Ronald Enroth, Ph.D., e.g.: Churches That Abuse and Youth, Brainwashing, and the Extremist Cults, Robert J. Lifton, Ph.D. Mind Control, Brainwashing, and Totalism, Dr. Farah, e.g.: From the Pinnacle of the Temple, and other books, e.g.: How to Cult-Proof Your Kids, Toxic Faith, and The Subtle Power of Spiritual abuse--and had seen The Amazing Randy (albeit an agnostic magician himself) expose the faux healer, Peter Popoff, on The Tonight Show.

These days CULTBUSTERS! exit-counseling would include The Emergent "Millennials" Church Postmodern Aberrations, The Secret, Recycled Latter Rainism, Revivalist Charis-Mystical Subjectivism, Kansas City Prophets, Mega-Church Millenial Paradigm-Shiftrers, Pop Culture Groupies, Radical Fundamentalists, the Prophetess Movement, Intimate-Connection Spiritual Dancing, Eco-Green Radicals, Marxist-Maoist Lib Theology, Prosperity Gospelers, Gangbangers, and contemporary Thought Reform Authoritarians.

In the intial years there was no 'Deprogramming'' a la Ted Patrick...all of these folks were 'ego dystonic' in that they each signed off with notarization that they had each desired in compis mentis that they wanted out--desired a complete break from and mental healing from--their respective cult. They would have ten Marathon Days (10:30am--3:30pm) of voluntary Christian-based-but-professional psychotherapy, counseling, and life coaching. I saw very few 'reversions' and little recidivism after the ten Marathon Days, along with a follow-up treatment program.

After years of this (with no financial remuneration on my part), I thought about starting a fee-scheduled (or economically-sponsored) 'rescue, exodus, and spiritual wellness intervention program' named CULTBUSTERS!

A busy traditional counseling practice caused me to set this plan aside.

Now...I'm considering a jump start of CULTBUSTERS!

I still need to get it organized and get all the legal clearances, etc....a little like bounty hunters--or even car repo companies have to do...yet, our approach would be one of dignity, therapeutic wisdom, and professional respect for the individual--and for human rights.

There would be, of course, a Fee Schedule and up-front Retainer Fee, special insurance, and appropriate qualifiers and disclaimers--operated under a non-profit organization.

What think ye...? Would you consider joining me in this important work...? There is a great need for Life Coaches--trained to do Cult-Exodus Intervention.

(CULTBUSTERS!...It's a dirty job...but somebody's gotta do it...!)

"We Bust Cults Best...!"
Spring Your Kin...Before They Drink the Kool-Aid!
"Who ya gonna call for God's sake..?"
Copyright 2009 by Philip C. Brewer All Rights Reserved


Dr. Viktor Frankl (Man's Search For Meaning), the Jewish survivor of a Nazi Concentration Camp, and later psychotherapist and founder of LogoTherapy (think "Logos") focused his counselees on discovering The Meaningful Life Task. (As a Christian Life Coach, I utilize this concept and also teach the person to center on its synonymous parallel, the Call of God--think "Jonah.")

Truth (as Harry Blamires wrote) is a rock--not a consensus. Every thoughtful person desiring to live the reflective life (the all-too-rare-it-seems-nowadays) reader, thinker, and truth-seeker will hopefully come to grips with the profound meaning of The Logos, encapsulated in The Anointed One--the Christ. Man needs the Rock upon which (Whom) to cast his anchor.

In my too-short-two-year study of First Century Greek, I began to uncover, in the Gospel of John, the Word--the Logos of God ("In the beginning was the Word (Logos), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."). The Logos, Who holds the universe together by His power, the Logos, the central, organizing force--Who also cerebrally leads the sincerely-seeking thinker into His clear thinking--His Logic--into His boundaried arena of 'reasoning together' walling out toxic irrationality (thought disorders), red herrings, rabbit trails, virulent anxiety, mood swings, impulsivity, tribal customs, illusionality--even delusionality.

There is a super-rationality in The Call of God and its consequent Meaningful Life Task which is (albeit a 'going sane' spiritually) may appear 'crazy and foolish' to the uninitiated--to the pagan or spiritual philistine onlooker living outside the system of the Christian's purpose, raison d'etre, and Call. For a follower of Jesus, this is not the disorder of integrity and disease of responsibility of the schizophrenic or schizotypal--but the sensible, ordered thought process of "Christ in you the hope of Glory."

Studying the history of scientific researchers, inventors, writers, artists, composers--some may not have discovered the Logos--but I find the key to their creative sanity to have a common denominator--their centering on a meaningful life task--the wisdom of an organizing focus (",..this one thing I do..." --think the Apostle Paul).

Jesus called His disciples to meaningfulness Pneumatologically (think the Holy Spirit and the Book of Acts) because God created the human personality to be a Pneumatic instrument--dynamically Wind-powered--Holy Spirit driven. The human personality is not to be driven by ideas, ideologies, or templated concepts (think Marx--or perhaps even Warren..?) but by the mind of Christ and the "life and peace" of the "mind of the Spirit." In Dementia, we see a breakdown of Executive function--planning, organizing, prioritizing. Executive functions (cognitively) lie within the domain of the Holy Spirit's work in the human mind.

"In Him e live and move and have our being." --the Apostle Paul

All one's necessary wisdom and knowledge rests in Christ, our Lord and Savior. But without the mind of Christ the psyche remains deceived, irrational, anchorless. Powerless without the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, the human being cannot discover his meaningful life task, his reason to be--cannot achieve the escape velocity to defeat the gravitational pull of sin and evil.

One cannot 'go sane' cognitively and spiritually and find his meaningful life task--without the mind of Christ.

(excerpt: unpublished work-in-progress):
Your Meaningful Life Task

& The Logos in Life Coaching
Copyright 2008-2009 by Philip C. Brewer
All Rights Reserved