Rodham & Gomorrah
'A Fish Rots From the Head Down'
by P.C. Brewer
'Put not your trust in dumb idols.'
'Choose you this day whom you will serve.'
In What is Your Faith (and your Security) Placed..? Of course, one cannot place his trust in that which is earthly--especially not that which is anti-Christ--or demonic. (Colossians 3:1-3: 'If you then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sits at the right hand of God. Set your affections on things above, not on the things of the earth, for you are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God.') My ontological and spiritual security is in Christ--not in, what has now become, a pagan society. Fortunately, I live, work, create, minister, and coach--under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God.
It's Not Just Fatalism or Determinism (Contrary to Freud, Skinner, or Hindu Karma) Studying the Second Epistle of Peter and the Book of Jude will encourage you to remember that God's Redemptive Program is goingforward--that History is going somewhere--and that false prophets--and evil leaders--will be punished also.
A Fish Rots From the Head Down. Obviously, for this man to be elected means that he is simply a dead head which has been placed on the top of an already dead fish.
Rodham & Gomorrah. The spiritually fallen Clinton--using Lewinsky to turn the Oval Office into a scoflaw's fornicatorium--simply illustrated the deadheadeness of the American Presidency. The public / media outcry would have never ceased if Clinton had been a Republican, of course. But a Republican behaving in such an egregious 'Emperor Caligula' fashion would have illustrated the very same thing--the U.S. Presidency (from the highest office on down governmentally) is in spiritual decay--and has been for many years.
Systemic Septic Toxicity: Modern Politicians: Dead Men Talking. American politics and political / governmental office from top to bottom has become so corrupted with pederasts. sodomites, drunks, personality disorders, satan worshippers, Maoists-Marxists, sociopaths, deviates, reprobate sinners, and criminals--that this Country has fallen under God's Judgement.
The Prophets of Baal & Their False Idols. Anyone who 'puts all his spiritual eggs in the basket' like Demas'who loved this present world'--in anti-Christ Secularism, Materialism, Naturalism, Pantheism, Occult Mysticism--regardless of which country s/he lives in--will be sucked into Hell with the rest of the reprobates--where s/he belongs. It must have been a wonderful scenario to behold when Elijah mocked the Prophets of Baal as they screamed and lashed themselves trying to get a rise out of their demon gods. And then, after the God of Elijah had consumed Elijah's sacrifice with Refiner's Fire, to watch the Prophets of Baal be biblically butchered--teeth, hair, and eyeballs everywhere..! Ya gotta love that if you're in the community of the redeemed--if you're transformed in Christ. (Of course, ya gotta hate that scenario if you're part of the spiritual riff-raff--the unregenerate, evil, toxic, Christ-hating sinful World System--one of today's Baal prophets.)
(Blog: excerpt):
Rodham & Gomorrah
'A Fish Rots From the Head Down'
Copyright © 2012 by Philip C. Brewer
All Rights Reserved